Isaac Asimov short stories bibliography

This list of short stories by Isaac Asimov is divided into published collections (along with a list of short stories which were noted by Asimov as having never been published in a collection, due to having been lost). Note, though, that some of his novels, such as Foundation, could also be considered short story collections, because they were originally published serially in stories that were relatively self-contained. Azazel and Magic contain fantasy stories — the other non-mystery collections contain mostly science fiction.


Unpublished/lost short stories

Note: This list is from the Appendix from The Early Asimov titled The Sixty Stories of the Campbell Years.[1]

These stories were all thought lost after being rejected, early in Asimov's career. (Asimov himself said that after this, all the short stories which he wrote were kept, even if they were rejected.)[9] However, a copy of his story Big Game was later found among his papers at Boston University, and subsequently published in the anthology Before the Golden Age (1974). Also, after a number of rejections, his story The Weapon had actually been accepted and published under a pseudonym in 1942. At the time he compiled this list of lost stories, he had forgotten its publication. He discovered this while writing the first volume of his autobiography, In Memory Yet Green (1979), and reprinted the story in Section 30 of that book.

I, Robot (1950)

The collection I, Robot also contains a framing story/linking text (at the beginning of the first story and end of the last story, and in between some - but not all - of the stories) not found anywhere else.

The Martian Way and Other Stories (1955)

Earth Is Room Enough (1957)

Nine Tomorrows (1959)

The Rest of the Robots (1964)

Through a Glass, Clearly (1967)

Asimov's Mysteries (1968)

Nightfall and Other Stories (1969)

The Early Asimov (1972)

Tales of the Black Widowers (1974)

Buy Jupiter and Other Stories (1975)

The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories (1976)

More Tales of the Black Widowers (1976)

Casebook of the Black Widowers (1980)

The Union Club Mysteries (1983)

The Winds of Change and Other Stories (1983)

Banquets of the Black Widowers (1984)

Azazel (1988)

Puzzles of the Black Widowers (1990)

Gold (1995)

Magic (1996)

The Return of the Black Widowers (2003)


  1. ^ Asimov, Isaac (1973). The Early Asimov Volume 1. Panther Books. pp. 187–188. ISBN 058603806X. 
  2. ^ The Early Asimov Volume 1, p. 14
  3. ^ The Early Asimov Volume 1, p. 33
  4. ^ a b c The Early Asimov Volume 1, p. 50
  5. ^ The Early Asimov Volume 1, p. 105
  6. ^ a b Asimov, Isaac (1974). The Early Asimov Volume 2. Panther Books. p. 9. ISBN 0586039368. 
  7. ^ The Early Asimov Volume 2, p. 78
  8. ^ The Early Asimov Volume 2, p. 147
  9. ^ a b The Early Asimov Volume 2, p. 230 "Thank godness, I had finally learned that stories must be carefully saved for eternity, however many times they are rejected, and however firmly you imagine they are retired. 'Big Game' was the eleventh of my stories to disappear, but it was also the last."

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